Please read Costa Rica Global Learning Programs (herein referred to as “GLP”) Terms & Conditions below prior to submitting your payment.
By traveling in a program organized by Costa Rica Global Learning Programs (herein after referred to “GLP”), you are voluntarily participating in a GLP program and understand and agree to the following:
The participant is responsible for arranging and paying for his/her travel to the destination country. This includes airfare and/or other transportation costs to and from the destination country as well as all local transportation costs.
It is the participant’s responsibility to carry the necessary documents when traveling internationally (e.g. valid passport). GLP may advise the participant on required travel documents, but GLP is not responsible for ensuring the participant’s travel documents are in proper order to travel. Participants are solely responsible for ensuring their travel documents are up to date and valid for their planned travel.
GLP does not provide participants with insurance of any kind. Travel insurance is strongly recommended for each participant and participants should purchase this prior to departing on their trip. The participant is responsible for evaluating and determining the kind of insurance coverage he/she should have.
Refund Policy
If GLP cancels the program for any reason, you are entitled to a full refund.
A 20% deposit is required 60 days prior to the start of program services. All deposits are non-refundable. GLP will issue a full refund less deposit for all cancellations made at least 30 days before the program start date. Cancellations made less than 30 days before the program start date up to 6 days before the program start date will be charged a $300 administrative fee in addition to the deposit. Cancellations made less than 6 days up to 24 hours before the program start date will receive a 20% refund. Cancellations made within 24 hours of the program start will not be refunded.
GLP is not financially responsible for any disruption of travel caused by COVID-19 or other unforeseen events beyond GLP’s control.  
Payments made after the due date will incur a 20% late fee.
Personal Risk
The participant acknowledges and accepts the responsibilities and risks that international travel, international work/study, and international volunteer programs include. These risks increase because GLP’s programs take place in a developing country (Costa Rica). The participant fully and solely accepts these risks as an inherent part of their planned travel.
The participant assumes all liability and responsibility for any eventuality that may occur, including personal injury, emotional distress, death, and/or loss or damage to personal property. Furthermore, the participant agrees to hold harmless GLP, its partners, its management, and its employees. The participant also agrees NOT to make any type of claim, financial or otherwise, against any of the aforementioned parties.
GLP reserves the right to remove any person from any program or activity if that person’s actions or behavior impede the operation of the program or infringe on the rights, welfare, and enjoyment of other participants. Anyone removed from a program will NOT be entitled to a refund or discount.
The participant agrees to indemnify GLP against any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from traveling, living, and/or working internationally. Furthermore, the participant agrees NOT to hold GLP liable for any actions or omissions of any of its partner organizations.
To the full extent permissible at law, all representations, terms, warranties, guarantees, or conditions whether implied by statute, common law or custom of the trade or otherwise, including, but not limited to, implied warranties and guarantees, are excluded.
Notwithstanding this or any other agreement, GLP’s liability shall not in aggregate exceed the amount of the program fee paid by the participant.
Rules & Safety Regulations
The participant agrees to abide by all rules and regulations as stipulated by GLP, its employees, project sites, and housing partners. The participant agrees to comply with GLP’s codes of conduct and safety waiver.
The participant agrees to abide by all local laws, as well as all rules stipulated by GLP and its employees and partners, with respect to alcohol consumption.
Whereas GLP may provide basic information about local laws, GLP is NOT a legal expert and it is the participant’s sole responsibility to ensure he/she is in compliance with the law.
Use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate dismissal from the program with no refund.
GLP reserves the right to notify the participant’s emergency contact if the volunteer is dismissed from the program, and in all other circumstances as solely deemed appropriate by GLP.
Feedback & Photos
GLP reserves the right to use any feedback, comments, photos, and other images provided by the participant or captured by GLP.
GLP’s website exists for the sole purpose of promoting GLP’s services. This website is operated by GLP from its offices in Costa Rica. GLP makes no guarantee or implied warranty that the information and materials contained on the website are error-free. No liability is assumed for errors, omissions, or damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein. The information provided is on an “as is” basis.
GLP reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions or the services it offers from time to time.
GLP reserves the right to refuse acceptance of any application or participant.
Force Majeure
GLP assumes no liability or responsibility for any lack of performance or failure of its services or programs where that failure arises from any cause reasonably beyond GLP’s control.
Governing Law
These terms and conditions and GLP’s programs are governed by the applicable laws of Costa Rica.
Program Participation Assumption of Risk, Safety Waiver, and Release Agreement
By traveling in a program organized by Costa Rica Global Learning Programs (herein after referred to “GLP”),  you are voluntarily participating in a GLP program and understand and agree that:
GLP is not responsible for accidents, delays, incidents, injury, or additional expenses that arise during your program. 
Additional expenses GLP is not responsible for can include, but may not be limited to, visa application costs, return airfare due to program suspensions or interruptions, housing and meal expenses beyond the last day of benefits end date, and costs due to Covid isolation.
You are making the decision to participate in your GLP study abroad program following a review of current travel guidance and your own independent investigation and assessment of the potential risks of studying abroad in Costa Rica, including the risks associated with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
You expressly agree to review and follow any health and safety recommendations and/or guidance provided by GLP and/or your home institution during your study abroad program.  
GLP is not financially responsible for any disruption of travel caused by COVID-19 novel coronavirus or other unforeseen events beyond GLP’s control.  
You understand that your course modality may change depending on the health and safety determination of your host institution.
Any travel within or out of your host country during your program dates that is not sponsored by your host institution is by nature independent and at your own risk and discretion. You agree to follow all guidance and policies provided by your host and home institution, as well as any applicable laws, rules and/or regulations, on regional and local travel.  
If you are not able to access your belongings due to travel restrictions, GLP is not responsible for the coordination or cost of returning these items.
While abroad, public health and safety measures may be implemented by Costa Rica, of which GLP has no control.  
You are responsible for maintaining open communication with your home institution and GLP for the entirety of your pre-departure and program dates. Important information will be shared throughout, related to health and safety, particularly related to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus. If a response is requested, it is important for you to respond in a timely manner.  
While abroad, the government of your country of citizenship or residence may not be able to assist you in an emergency.
GLP assumes no responsibility for providing medical care during your study abroad program.
You understand that participation in any GLP program is completely voluntary and involves risks inherent to traveling to another country.
In consideration of my participation in the GLP study abroad program, I (being 18 years of age or older) do hereby forever release, waive, discharge, covenant not to sue, and hold harmless GLP, my home institution, and the host institution affiliated with the study abroad program and each and every one of their past, current and future officers, directors, employees, members, volunteers, contractors, representatives, parents, owners, affiliates, agents, successors and assigns (the “GLP Releasees”), from any and all damages, injuries, losses, liability, claims, causes of action, litigation or demands, including, but not limited to, those for personal injury, illness, death, property damages, expenses or other consequences resulting directly or indirectly from or in any manner arising out of, related to, or in connection with COVID-19 and in connection with my participation in an GLP program or any travel related thereto.  I further covenant not to sue GLP and/or the home or host institutions in connection with any of the claims released herein.
This Agreement (and the waiver and release set forth herein) shall also be binding on my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, successors, and all other persons who may claim through me.  I expressly agree that this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by applicable laws, and that if any portion of this Agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect. This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties relating to the subject matter, and shall not be altered, modified, amended, waived or supplemented in any manner whatsoever except by a written agreement signed by both parties hereto or their duly authorized representatives. This Agreement may be executed, made and delivered electronically.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, I (a) covenant and agree not to elect a trial by jury with respect to any issue arising out of or relating to this Agreement that is triable of right by a jury, and (b) waive any right to trial by jury with respect to such issue to the extent that any such right exists now or in the future. This waiver of right to trial by jury is given knowingly and voluntarily.
I have carefully read this Assumption of Risk, Waiver, and Release before agreeing to it and enter into it voluntarily in consideration of the opportunity to participate in the GLP study abroad activity. I acknowledge that I am giving up legal rights and/or remedies which may be available to me.
Program Participant Code of Conduct
By participating in a GLP program, I agree to abide by this code of conduct and accept that disciplinary actions may be taken if I break this code.
The following behaviors are prohibited by any GLP program participant, including faculty members, students, professionals, alumni, and program coordinators:
Violation of any laws of Costa Rica;
Abuse or excessive consumption of alcohol, or use or abuse of illegal drugs;
The abuse or excessive consumption of alcohol as reasonably determined by the faculty-lead, program coordinator, or GLP staff, which includes, but is not limited to, being demonstrably under the influence of alcohol during any program activities;
Marijuana usage is illegal in Costa Rica and is not permitted on any GLP programs
Disturbing the peace or disrupting the community;
Disruption of the academic environment of the program, including repeated failure to participate in program assignments or to attend program excursions;
Violating the academic or disciplinary regulations of the host university;
Disturbing the peace of the housing facilities;
Academic misconduct, including plagiarism and cheating;
Vandalism against public or private property;
Assault or sexual assault;
Theft or robbery;
Behavior that puts others safety and well-being at risk;
Disorderly, indecent, or obscene conduct;
Abusive or threatening language towards other participants, GLP staff, or community members;
Possession or use of a firearm or weapon;
Obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, or other activities associated with the administration of the program.
Any conduct prohibited by the home institution
Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to:
Suspension or loss of privileges;
Dismissal from the program;
Ban from future programs;
Informing of the emergency contact and home institution.
COVID Policies and Protocols FAQ
What are the entry requirements for arriving in Costa Rica?
After April 1, 2022, there will be no special entry requirements pertaining to Covid.
You can read more about requirements to enter Costa Rica here.
Is a negative Covid test required prior to starting a GLP program?
A Covid test prior to arrival is not required by GLP. However, if any person knows that they are positive for Covid, they are required to disclose this and not participate in the program until they have completed the appropriate amount of quarantine established by their home country.
How will GLP handle arrival quarantines?
No arrival quarantines are required in Costa Rica at this time. GLP will not require quarantines for program participants. You can read more about requirements to enter Costa Rica here.
Will students be covered by insurance?
All GLP program participants are required to submit proof of purchase of a medical insurance policy that will cover medical emergencies that may occur while in Costa Rica. GLP does not offer participants any medical or emergency insurance policy. It is the responsibility of the program participant to secure an insurance policy that will cover their medical needs, or to pay the fees associated with their medical treatment in case of a lack of insurance coverage.
How will GLP communicate Covid updates with students while in Costa Rica?
A member of the GLP team will be with students during all daytime hours and activities and team members are available via phone 24/7.
How will GLP communicate confirmed cases to partners, emergency contacts, and other students onsite?
If a student tests positive, we will call our partner institution to inform them of the positive result and the follow-up actions for care. We will contact the student’s emergency contact in accordance with the information provided prior to the program by the student about doing so. All students onsite will be informed of positive tests so that we can determine who may or may not have been exposed and isolate participants as needed.
How will GLP manage housing, travel, and activities to reduce the risk of Covid transmission?
All participants and staff are required to be fully vaccinated.
All participants will be required to wear properly fitting masks in all public spaces, as required by the Government of Costa Rica.
Students will have access throughout the entire trip to hand sanitizer and clean water and soap for hand washing.
Our staff members (driver and guide) will be masked for all interactions with students, except during meals.
When possible, dining will occur in open air restaurants or outside.
What is GLP’s plan for isolating sick students?
GLP will support the affected participant(s) to find a lodging facility where they can affordably isolate themselves for the duration of their mandatory quarantine, and support the student to organize testing, doctor's visits, and meals. These expenses will be the responsibility of the student or home institution. Isolation periods are established by the Costa Rican government, but the standard recommendation as of January 19, 2022 is 7 (seven) days from the time symptoms appear or since positive test if asymptomatic.
In the event that students have to return home early or late due to COVID, will GLP cover their flight costs?
GLP is unable to purchase tickets for students or make flight arrangements or ticket changes on their behalf. It is up to the student to secure their early return flight in the event that they are advised to depart the country early or reschedule the flight for a later date if required to quarantine in Costa Rica. GLP encourages students to secure flights that have flexible ticket policies so they do not have to pay a change fee or to buy a trip insurance policy that covers these changes.
What sanitation procedures does Costa Rica have in place for preventing the spread of Covid?
Costa Rica has many protocols in place, including:
Recommended mask usage in all public spaces, including bus stops, restaurants, shops, and pharmacies. Mandatory mask usage in all health care facilities.
Mandatory hand washing or sanitizing station at the front entrance of any store, restaurant, park, and market.
Suggested temperature checks at the entrance of many establishments. This is not a rule, but many places require it including large stores, shopping centers, malls, and the like.
General Information:
Costa Rica Entry Requirements: https://www.visitcostarica.com/en/costa-rica/planning-your-trip/entry-requirements
NO Covid test required
NO quarantine required
Insurance required for unvaccinated individuals - covers health and lodging
US Embassy in Costa Rica: https://cr.usembassy.gov/covid-19-information/
(US Re-entry requirements:)
Negative Covid test required for re-entry (24 hours)
Recommended quarantine in some states
GLP Privacy Notice
Costa Rica Global Learning Programs (hereinafter referred to as "GLP", "us", or "we") are committed to protecting your right to personal information and your right to privacy. We will update this Privacy Notice from time to time as we adopt new data privacy policies or change our personal data privacy practices.
This Privacy Notice outlines our policies and practices regarding our collection, use, processing and disclosure of personal information provided by you. It applies to any personal information that you voluntarily provide to us when you:
Register to use or use our services including, but not limited to, our website and provide information required to use our services
Fill out application forms on our website to participate in our programs
Register or subscribe to our newsletters
Create blog posts, social media posts, and/or videos
Request information or services from us
Complete our surveys for our statistical, demographic and marketing analyses
Submit your payment
Our lawful basis for collecting and processing your personal information includes any of the following:
Legitimate Business Purpose: necessary for the legitimate interests pursued by GLP in providing programs and services.
Contractual Necessity: for the performance of an agreement and/or contract to which you are a party, or to take steps at your request prior to entering into an agreement or contract.
Public Interest: necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest.
Legal Obligation: necessary for compliance for legal obligations required by applicable law.
Consent: you have given consent for the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes.
The personal information we collect and or process takes different forms – it may be factual, images or other recorded information that identifies or relates to you.
Examples include:
Contact information or directory information such as, first and last name, email address, physical address, phone numbers, and other location information
Government or other official Identification Numbers (including passport number)
Personal documents in support of applications
Photographs, audio and video recordings
Health and safety information
Social identification (e.g. citizenship, nationality, racial/ethnic origin)
Personal information arising out of Health & Safety incidents while on GLP programs. (e.g. police reports, hospital reports)
Any other information that you voluntarily choose to provide to GLP that would help us improve our services (i.e post-program surveys)
Financial payment information to process applications
Sensitive personal information
As a data controller or data processor, GLP collects and processes personal data only as necessary, in the exercise of the organization’s legitimate interests to provide programs and services to you, such as Faculty-Led and Customized Programs, Semester-Long Programs Virtual Internships, and In-Person Internships.
GLP collects and processes your personal information to correspond with you prior to entering into a contractual relationship with GLP, to answer your questions, to process your application, to enroll you in our programs, to act as an intermediary with partner organizations, to sponsor your visa applications, to keep record of your attendance or academic achievements and accomplishments, to provide you with academic or health and safety support services while on our programs and/or to conduct marketing surveys about your experience on our programs, etc.
The provision of our programs and services may require us to process and share your personal information with third-party partner organizations, such as academic institutions, potential employers, agents, etc. or foreign government organizations to provide you with a wide range of our services.
GLP receives personal data from multiple sources. Most often, GLP receives this data directly from you through our website or when you directly contact us.
Information you provide to us: When you submit a contact form or application, you may choose to disclose information about you, including your name, physical address, email address, phone number, and date of birth, along with information regarding your interests, educational background, and interests relating to our programs. We collect information from you when you enroll in our programs, when you contact or communicate with us (including through the website, by email or otherwise). We gather information about you when you provide it to us, or interact with us directly, for instance engaging with our staff or registering for our programs.
Website Usage Information: We collect information while monitoring our GLP websites, when you provide it to us, such as when you use our website(s) or otherwise communicate with us (such as by email or via our social media pages). GLP collects certain information automatically when you use the website, such as the IP addresses and domain names of visitors, browser type, history of pages viewed and other usage information about your use of the website. We collect this information for site administration purposes, such as to analyze this data for trends and statistics.
Information that is automatically collected: Like many websites, we use web analytics tools that rely on cookies, web beacons, and other automated tracking technologies (“Tracking Tools”) to help us analyze how users interact with and use the Sites, improve the Sites, personalize your Sites experience, provide you with information we believe may be of interest to you, and identify others like you who may be interested in our programs and services.
The information we collect automatically includes information about your computer and internet connection (including your IP address, operating system, and browser type) and details regarding your visits to our Sites (including your browsing actions and patterns and information about any referring website, search engine, social media platform, or link). We do not use Tracking Tools to collect personally identifiable information (except to the extent you have provided such information to third parties, such as social media platforms – see section below titled “Information from Third Parties”), but we tie information that we gather using Tracking Tools to your personally identifiable information.
Third-Party Tracking Tools; Google Analytics
The Tracking Tools we use include services we obtain from third parties. The information generated by these analytics services will be transmitted to and stored by the third parties and will be subject to their privacy policies. We do not control these third parties’ tracking technologies, how they may be used, or the information they may collect, and we are not responsible for these third parties’ privacy policies.
One of the third-party Tracking Tools we use is Google Analytics. The information generated by Google Analytics will be transmitted to and stored by Google and will be subject to Google’s privacy policies. Learn more about Google’s partner services and how to opt out of tracking of analytics by Google.
The security of your data is important to us but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.
Your Data Protection Rights
If you are a resident of the European Economic Area (EEA), you have certain data protection rights. GLP aims to take reasonable steps to allow you to correct, amend, delete or limit the use of your Personal Data.
If you wish to be informed about what Personal Data we hold about you and if you want it to be removed from our systems, please contact us.
In certain circumstances, you have the following data protection rights:
The right of rectification. You have the right to have your information rectified if that information is inaccurate or incomplete.
The right to object. You have the right to object to our processing of your Personal Data.
The right of restriction. You have the right to request that we restrict the processing of your personal information.
The right to data portability. You have the right to be provided with a copy of the information we have on you in a structured, machine-readable and commonly used format.
The right to withdraw consent. You also have the right to withdraw your consent at any time where GLP relies on your consent to process your personal information.
Please note that we may ask you to verify your identity before responding to such requests.
You have the right to complain to a Data Protection Authority about our collection and use of your Personal Data. For more information, please contact your local data protection authority in the European Economic Area (EEA).
Service Providers
We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service (“Service Providers”), provide the Service on our behalf, perform Service-related services or assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.
These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.
GLP will retain your Personal Data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy. We will retain and use your Personal Data to the extent necessary to comply with our legal obligations (for example, if we are required to retain your data to comply with applicable laws), resolve disputes and enforce our legal agreements and policies.
GLP will also retain Usage Data for internal analysis purposes. Usage Data is generally retained for a shorter period of time, except when this data is used to strengthen the security or to improve the functionality of our Service, or we are legally obligated to retain this data for longer periods.
The programs that we offer are not intended for children under the age of 18, and we do not knowingly collect personal data from children under the age of 18.
We may update this privacy notice from time to time. We encourage you to review this privacy notice frequently to be informed of how we are protecting your information.